Conference Schedule

Feb 26, 2022·
Yiran Wang
Yiran Wang
· 2 min read

Recently, there are many big events happened, such as the the protests by truckers, then the war between Russia and Ukraine. I also finally drove from Toronto to Waterloo by myself, which made me so nervous during the trip. I don’t want to share my opinions about politics, but I think I should keep this website active. So I decide to share my schedule for the meeting season and if you are also joining some of them, I’d be glad to have a talk with you!

So first, I’m going to have my thesis proposal in April. And at the end of April, there is a conference held by my department: Biostatistics: Foundations and the Era of Data Science. Though it may not be related to my work, I may listen to some talks about data integration which I heard is a hot topic these days in survey sampling.

From May 30th to June 3rd, most of us in Canada will join SSC annual meeting, which was planned to hold in Vancouver but changed into virtual. I’ll give an oral presentation about my research. Then from June 10th to June 15th, I will listen to some talks in 2022 WNAR meeting.

From June 25th to July 1st, I’ll go to Montreal (!!!) to give a talk at the 2022 ISBA World Meeting (if my application is accepted). I’m so excited that there is finally an in-person meeting and I can meet some of professors from UC Irvine there (maybe also my classmates!). During my time in Montreal, I have to give a talk for another virtual conference at the same time, International Statistical Ecology Conference (ISEC) 2022. For statistical ecology, there are two major conferences, International Statistical Ecology Conference (ISEC) and EURING. So it could be a good opportunity to meet more people working in this area. ISEC 2022 will be held from June 27th to July 1st and it’s a hybrid conference, virual or in-person in Cape Town, South Africa (where I don’t courage to go).

After these conferences, I will have a few weeks to prepare for the last year of my PhD program. Feel free to let me know if you are also going to any of these conferences. I’m also planning to find a roommate for ISBA to reduce the expense!

Yiran Wang
Postdoctoral Associate
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